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Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine |
Research on history and ethics of medicine has a long tradition at the Centre for Psychiatry Südwürttemberg at Weissenau / Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy I of the University of Ulm. The Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine was founded in September 2006 and is still developing. In spring 2007, the head of this Research Unit became responsible for the coordination of “Historical Research” of all Centres for Psychiatry in the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The research unit is associated with the direction of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry and its affiliations as well as with the publishing house “Psychiatry and History” in Zwiefalten. In addition, there are tasks on management, advisory board and coordination. For more information on the research projects of the Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine as well as publications, cooperational partners and institutions and further aspects of the historical research work, please visit the following pages. Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry On 21 Nov, 2015, the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry has been rewarded with the so-called “EXTRA prize” by the Federal Toto-Lotto Foundation. For more information and pictorial material see the pdf in German >> Recent publications (selected): Mueller, Thomas: Remembering psychiatric patients in Germany murdered by the Nazi regime. The Lancet – Psychiatry. Vol. 5, Issue 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 789-790 (web appendix). Mueller, Thomas and Kanis-Seyfried, Uta: Brain and psyche: Korbinian Brodmann revisited. The Lancet – Psychiatry. Vol. 6, Issue 3, March 2019, pp. 196-198. Mueller, Thomas and Reichelt, Bernd: The ‘Poitrot Report’, 1945. The first public document on Nazi Euthanasia. History of Psychiatry, London, 2019. Mueller, Thomas and Kanis-Seyfried, Uta: On the life and work of Korbinian Brodmann, 1868-1918. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 2019. Müller, Thomas: Le placement familial et les liens entre difficultés économiques et intégration sociale des malades mentaux dans la France du xixe siècle. In: Revue germanique internationale, Heft 30 (2019): Histoire et philosophie de la psychiatrie au XXe siècle: regards croisés franco-allemands, S. 65-85. Open access: Brückner B, Rotzoll M, Röske T, Müller T: Geschichte der Psychiatrie „von unten“ – Entwicklung und Stand der deutschsprachigen Forschung. Medizinhistorisches Journal. Medicine and the Life Sciences in History 54, 4 (2019) S. 347-376.