Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine
The Museums

The research unit for History and Ethics of Medicine as well as the Department Education and Knowledge are entrusted with museum tasks in manifold ways.

The Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry is an in-house establishment of the Centre for Psychiatry Suedwuerttemberg in Zwiefalten. The museum is supported in its work and mission by all Wuerttemberg Centers for Psychiatry.

A new permanent exhibition in the New Cloister Bad Schussenried, which can be defined as a museum place, focuses on the secular utilization of the former monastic buildings and areas. Our research was substantially involved in selection of the contents as well as the way of the treatment of the secular utilization of the Schussenried's monastery complex after the mediatisation.

At present, a Baden Museum of Psychiatry as a counterpart to our Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry is in the project stage. The selection of the location is presently being defined and the drafts are being examined concerning their conceptualization. As our research area is a cooperation partner on this museum initiative, we will soon report on the further development.

Further information about all three museum establishments can be found here at the click of the mouse:

The locations of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry on museum-digital