Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine
Tasks and Services


The research focuses of the institute are history and ethics of medicine from the 18th till 20th centuries.


The members associated with the research unit perform teaching duties at the universities of Ulm and Konstanz. With regard to the original tasks of the unit, teaching duties refer first of all to the communication of results of the research projects in teaching events and seminars for doctorands.


The staff of the research unit offers the following services:

  • General consultation in medical-historical questions
  • Processing of inquires on history of  medicine
  • Medical-historical literature consultation
  • Use of the medical and medical-historical libraries of the Centres for Psychiatry in Baden-Württemberg  
  • Use of the stocks of the State Archives in Baden-Wuerttemberg, insofar their place of origin are the Centres for Psychiatry in Baden-Wuerttemberg (The historical stocks of the Centres for Psychiatry are available in the cooperating state archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg as well as in the Centres themselves, including the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry. These historical stocks could be used by interested scientists as well as institutions).
  • Processing of inquiries on the permanent exhibition as well as the temporary exhibitions of the “Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry”
  • Processing of inquiries on the publishing program of our publishing house “History and Psychiatry”
    For more information please contact our secretariat:
    Katharina Witner
    Phone: 0751-7601-2519