Research Unit for the History and Ethics of Medicine
Working Group “History of Psychiatry in Baden-Wuerttemberg”

The working group “History of Psychiatry in Baden-Württemberg” goes back to a working group, which was established in 1995. The group regularly organises regional-historical conferences, whose essential purpose is the development of research collaboration and knowledge exchange on the history of psychiatry and psychotherapy in the geographic area of the former Baden and Wuerttemberg. The group of participants consists of professional historians, clinical-psychiatric experts, other relevant occupational groups as well as laymen interested in history, who take an active or passive part in the annual meetings. The intended joining of these stakeholders represents the attitude of the working group’s organizers (Research Unit for the History of Medicine and the staff of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry) to exchange views in a timely manner on the results of academic-scientific research and to make these results available to a wider and interested public. Here, motivation for the organisation of meetings and museum-pedagogical claim meet in the work of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry. The meetings and the resulting research collaborations repeatedly led also to publications.

Annual meetings since 1995:
(Information, links, conference reports and further material in German)

ZfP Südwürttemberg-Bad Schussenried
Sonnenberg-Klinik Stuttgart, 7.—8. Mai 2024
Programm des Jahrestreffens 2024 (pdf)
Christophsbad Göppingen
Programm des Jahrestreffens 2023 (pdf)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2023 in: HSozKult,
Gedenkstätte Grafeneck
Programm des Jahrestreffens 2022 (pdf)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2022 in: HSozKult,
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Emmendingen
Programm des Jahrestreffens 2021 (pdf)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2021 in: HSozKult,
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Emmendingen
Das Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Psychiatriegeschichte Baden-Württemberg im Zentrum für Psychiatrie Emmendingen fiel pandemiebedingt aus.
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2019 in: HSozKult,
Korbinian Brodmann-Museum in Hohenfels-Liggersdorf, 16.11.2018—17.11.2018
Tagungsbericht zum Korbinian-Brodmann-Gedenkjahr 2018:
Brodmann-Museum feiert zehnten Geburtstag: Ein Blick in die Geschichte, den Erfolg – und eine Sorge (Autoren: Jan Riebesehl und Ramona Löffler, Südkurier, 08.03.2019)
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Nordbaden, in Wiesloch, 25.5.—26.6.2018
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen in Wiesloch 2018:
Führung und Film des PZN Wiesloch und des AK Psychiatriegeschichte Baden-Württemberg. „Verschollen in der Psychiatrie“ — Reges Interesse an Führung im PZN (pdf) (Wieslocher Woche, Nr. 27, 05.07.2018)
Historische Führung und Vortrag mit Film (pdf) (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 23./24.06.2018)
Das dunkle Kapitel der Psychiatriegeschichte (pdf) (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 29.06.2018)
„Verschollen in der Psychiatrie“. Historische Führung durch das PZN und Vortrag mit Filmvorführung (pdf) (Wieslocher Woche, Nr. 24, 14.06.2018)
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Südwürttemberg, Standort Ravensburg-Weissenau
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2017 in: HSozKult,
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Weinsberg, Klinikum am Weissenhof (Justinus-Kerner-Forschung)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2011 (pdf)

Weitere Tagungsberichte (pdf)

Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau (ZPR) (Alternativen und Erweiterungen der Anstaltsversorgung in historischer Perspektive)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2010 (pdf)
Gedenkstätte Grafeneck / Münsingen (Zur sog. Euthanasie und Psychiatrie im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2009 (pdf)
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Die Weissenau, Ravensburg (Geschichte und Funktionswandel der „Psychiatrischen Hilfsvereine“ in Baden und Württemberg (19.—21. Jahrhundert)
Tagungsbericht zum Jahrestreffen 2008 (pdf)
Zentrum für Psychiatrie Winnenden (Wissenstransfer in der Psychiatrie. Albert Zeller und die Psychiatrie Württembergs im 19. Jahrhundert)
Statt eines Tagungsberichtes — der Tagungsband
(20.10.):  Kreiskrankenhaus Sigmaringen
(16.10.):  Vinzenz-von-Paul Hospital, Rottenmünster
(17.10.):  Zentrum für Psychiatrie Emmendingen
(11.10.):  Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau
(28.04.):  Zentrum für Psychiatrie Winnenden
(22.04.):  Zentrum für Psychiatrie Bad Schussenried
(04.06.):  Münsterklinik, Zentrum für Psychiatrie Zwiefalten
(17.04.):  Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau
(12.09.):  ehemalige Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Illenau
(21.01.):  Psychiatrisches Landeskrankenhaus Emmendingen

Working Group “History of Psychiatry in Baden-Wuerttemberg” / Coordination „Historical Research“ of the Centres for Psychiatry Baden-Wuerttemberg

Since spring 2007, our research unit (“Historical Research”) has been coordinating the historical research at all Centres for Psychiatry in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
This function of coordination contains a number of single tasks. At first, this provides design of an inventory of the archive documents preserving in the Centres themselves as well as those stocks which are edited and made available for the medical-historical research by the State Archives or the Regional Archives of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Within the framework of this coordinational activity and in accord with its nature, it is necessary to resolve open questions of preservational procedures and of dealing with contemporary data stocks. In accord with the requirements of the State Office for Data Protection, we aim at a concerted solution with the State Archives on the dealing with relevant archive documents and materials.
The protection and preservation of worth protecting old stocks of the partly approx. 200-years-old collections of medical literature in the scientific libraries of the single locations represents another important task in that realm. The dealing with historical articles and other collection objects as well enjoy a high level of importance against the background of the workup and presentation of these objects in the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry. The focus of interest here is the storage, utilisation or lending of these objects.

The working group “History of Psychiatry in Baden-Württemberg” goes back to a working group, which had been established in 1995. The circle today regularly organises regional-historical conferences, whose essential purpose is the development of research collaboration and knowledge exchange on the history of psychiatry and psychotherapy in the geographic area of the former states Baden, Hohenzollern and Wuerttemberg. The group of participants consists of professional historians, clinical-psychiatric experts, other relevant occupational groups as well as laymen interested in history, who take an active or passive part in the annual meetings. The intended joining of these stakeholders represents the attitude of the working group’s organizers (Research Unit for the History of Medicine and the staff of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry) to exchange views in a timely manner on the results of academic-scientific research and to make these results available to a wider and interested public. Here, motivation for the organisation of meetings and pedagogical claim oft he museum’s staff meet in the work of the Wuerttemberg Museum of Psychiatry. The meetings and the resulting research collaborations repeatedly leads to publications.